Kathmandu, Sept 6: Six persons have lost their lives owing to scrub typhus in the past five and half month in the country.
The Epidemiology and Disease Control Division has shared that as many as 222 persons from 32 districts have contracted the scrub typhus during this period. Chitwan has been most affected with the disease, the Division said, adding that those succumbing to the scrub typhus are from Sankhuwasabha (2) and Bhojpur, Tanahu, Gulmi and Chitwan (one each).
The disease had afflicted 101 people last year while eight had succumbed to the disease.
The mite found in rats is the agent to communicate the disease to human being. The mite in rats gets into the shrubs and then travel to human being from there, said Division Chief Dr Gunanidhi Sharma, adding that Orientia tsutsugamushi is transmitted to human beings from the mite which causes infection.
Dr Sharma suggests anyone suffering from severe fever to immediately consult a doctor, as it can be caused by scrub typhus. This disease can be cured, but delaying in treatment leads to death, he added.
All health posts have been provided with medicines to prevent the disease.
Director at the Division said, “The intake of anti-biotic as doxycycline, azithromycin, clara fenicle, ciprofloxacin for five to ten days easily cures the disease.” RSS