Development Committee redirects authorities to reform information sector


Kathmandu, Sept 14: Legislature-Parliament’s Development Committee today redirected the authorities concerned for effective implementation of the past instructions on reforming the information and communications sector and rightful use of rural telecommunications fund.
The Committee meeting held at Singha Durbar issued instructions for implementing minimum wages for journalists, journalist code of conduct, specialized communications policy, enhancing the quality and affect of the telecommunications service.
The instructions came after the Committee members held discussions with Minister for Information and Communications Surendra Kumar Karki and Secretary Dinesh Kumar Thapaliya.
Committee Chairman Rabindra Adhikari said, “Although the progress on the implementation status of instructions given to the communications sector is satisfactory, a deep concern has risen over the failure to use the rural telecommunications fund. When the next meeting takes place it must have been spent in the productive sector with easy and affordable access to telecommunication facilities in the hospital and school among other the social entities.” The fund currently has a dozen and a half billion rupees.
On the occasion, Minister Karki said the goal of socialism would be meaningless if the public institutions cannot be made service-oriented, competitive and qualitative. He also stressed on need for coordination between the Committee and the Ministry.
To allow private sector’s entry into the public sector is against the norms of socialism, Minister Karki said while expressing his commitment for making public institutions effective. He shared his hope for support of all in changing Nepal Television and Radio Nepal into Public Service Broadcasting (PSB).
Secretary Thapaliya said the minimum wages of the working journalists has been increased to Rs 19,500 in state owned media outlets and implemented. He spoke of some problems in the private sector. He said that it would be easy to take action if the journalists not getting the stipulated amount filed complaints.
Nepal Telecommunications Authority Chairman Digambar Jha said an action plan for reforming the telecommunications sector by using the fund has been approved by the Ministry. RSS

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